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Quasi-Identity Relation


Quasi-Identity is an intertype relation between two people from opposing quadras who have similar, but not identical functions, and no suggestive influence over the other. Partners typically have a lot to say about the same kinds of topics (as do, typically, any members of a single club), and their conversations gravitate to these common spheres of interest, but they take entirely different approaches to every subject. They both take note of the same phenomena, but describe and analyze them in completely different terms that the other finds interesting, but completely unsatisfying. This is because the language and approach of one partner's leading function corresponds to the strong, but undervalued demonstrative function of the other. Each partner tends to be impressed with the other's skillful use of his leading function, which they perceive more as a "performance" (due to their own attitudes toward their demonstrative function) than a sincere and honest expression.

In closer interaction, partners' instincts are to want to correct the other person's approach and redefine the issues in completely different language. This leads to a feeling of being under-appreciated by the other. Partners are easily drawn into quite personal conversations because of the sense that the other person can relate to them, but this psychological intimacy can easily disappear without a trace when aggravation about something the other person does finally boils over and partners allow themselves to express dissatisfaction with the other. This can lead to disappointment and a feeling of betrayal of trust or lack of loyalty when partners suddenly don't want to be around each other or maintain the relationship anymore because it drains them.

While generally sympathetic towards each other and sharing many of the same weaknesses, quasi-identicals are almost unable to offer meaningful assistance on a personal level, and quickly become annoyed with each other's expectations, if any. Furthermore, the solutions to their emotional or personal problems are always radically different. For instance, an ENFJ must "get himself together" and stop being idle or hesitant, while an ENFP needs a change of pace and some new diversion. If each tries to implement the other's recipe, nothing comes of it.

Quasi-Identical pairs

Descriptions by various authors

Valentina Meged, Anatoly Ovcharov

These relations are well suited for friendships or partnerships, but they are not very favorable for very close relationships. There is a desire to understand your quasi-identical partner, to aid him, to provide him with your advice. His views and methods seem rather unusual and interesting. This inspires to many discussions and also disagreements, however, there is usually a desire to find a compromise. Upon closing of the distance, a minor quarrel can quickly upset these relations, especially when someone's personal interests have been threatened. Quasi-identical types often have the same sphere of interests but see things from different angles. There are difficulties in understanding and inability to acknowledge interests of one another. In collaboration, differences in approaches lead to a desire to move away from your quasi-identical partner and do everything in your own way separately from him. Each partner prefers to go his own way, without accepting opinions and experiences of the other. Due to this, both of them start feeling that they cannot fully rely on one another. It seems your quasi-identical partner can easily leave you in a difficult moment, but usually these suspicions are unfounded.

I.D. Vaisband, publications on Socionics

Quasi-identical partners are often interested in similar kind of subjects and converse about similar topics but they approach them from completely different viewpoints. There are rarely serious quarrels in these relations, but plenty of minor arguments that are never productive because it is impossible to prove anything to one another.

O.B. Slinko, "The key to heart - Socionics"

In contrast to the identical partner, one's quasi-identical doesn't evoke sympathy. It seems that he is already protected, that he will be alright. This person seems very similar to yourself and at the same time subtly different: he goes through life not following the same path, but a path that runs parallel to yours. Quasi-identical partners are able to find common topics for conversation, understand each other to sufficient depth, but they remain perceptive of mutual "otherness", which brings to these relation a tint of awkwardness and hinders full understandings and agreement. Despite the apparent inability to reconcile life positions, these relations are characterized by softness: quasi-identical can't seriously offend, even deliberate attacks don't hurt much and can be easily foregone not leaving behind much unpleasant residue. Contact between quasi-identicals occurs easily and passes smoothly.

R.K. Sedih, "Informational psychoanalysis"

"Adult" – "self-confident teenager". This interaction resembles mirror relations. Attempts to correct partner, though frequent, almost never reach the degree of complete "discrediting". Partners can argue sometimes for hours, not coming to a consensus, but, nevertheless, obtaining some interesting information along the way, and thus they become imbued with respect for each other. This happens not always but often enough. Cooperation is easy, partners often help each other out. Quasi-identicals are usually positively predisposed towards one another. Though they lack the ability to see each other's point of view, this rarely leads to serious conflicts. Their behavior towards each other for the most part is quite amiable. "Unsure teen" - "child." The second seems a bit rude sometimes, but rarely malicious and selfish. If partners are not dualized, their relations are, of course, more difficult. Problems in this scenario strongly resemble the interaction of contrary relations, though there is less of a desire to find fault with each other.

Laima Stankevichyute "Intertype relations"

These relations are characterized by the fact that living together or interacting closely it is virtually impossible to have serious fights. However, this type of relations gives rise to many smaller disputes which take up a lot of time and energy and are futile, but can last indefinitely. There is never a winner in these disputes. In this type of relations, it is impossible to prove anything to each other. When this type of relationship transpires between two ethical types, their lives will be full of stormy emotions and passion, while between two logical types these relations are more calm, but also full of of tension and insincerity.

A.V. Bukalov, G. Boiko, "Why Saddam Hussein made a mistake, or what is Socionics"

Their interests are analogous, but at a closer distance misunderstandings arise. If ILE talks about more abstract, hypothetical theories, LIE talks about more practical and actual topics. One famous LIE mathematician said that he doesn't need mathematical formulas, that a person must know how to derive certain parameters. Collaborative work with delimitation of spheres of activity can be quite successful in this pair. With regard to family life, these relationships are not the worst, but also not the most favorable.

Victor Gulenko "Criteria of reciprocity"

Discussion Tuning

Communication has a formal tone. The information received from your quasi-identical partner often doesn't quite meet your expectations. It will be necessary to adjust yourself to the style of conversation to have a balanced discussion. It is very difficult to understand each other on the spot – meaning of the statements made by your quasi-identical partner is going to be disclosed over a long period of time, when you will come back again to the same problem. The same thought partners articulate in different ways. Because of the inability to prove anything to each other, misunderstandings and unproductive debates arise. As a result partners tend to underestimate and devalue each other.

Binary signs of intertype relations

Quasi-Identity is good for public debates. In presence of a receptive audience, partners usually support one another, pick up and develop each other's ideas. Bold, far-reaching projects are proposed. However, in a narrow circle it becomes more difficult to understand each other: an impression forms that the partner doesn't really understand what you're saying.

Quasi-identical relations are stable when partners first agree on positions before taking on anything serious. Otherwise, there will be little benefit from mutual support. Being unprepared and not tuned into working together, it is impossible to get a useful result in these relations.

Quasi-identical relations develop pragmatic logic of both partners. A lot of prospective ideas come to mind. Emotions are relevant only upon successes or failures in their implementation. These relations also promote a sense of humor and give rise to optimism which is not always warranted.

Quasi-identical partners tend to test their ideas in practice, however, they do this not by gradual realization but by bold implementation. These relations move partners towards taking risks, awaken their entrepreneurial spirit, instill optimism. Quasi-identical pair can use what has been tried and tested in the past, restore positive traditions.

These relations can offer great dynamics. They are oriented at adventure, push partners into risky behaviors. In these relations plans often change, new projects get put forward, tried and tested. It is impossible to stop and take a breath. In a static environment, quasi-identity breaks down rapidly.

In quasi-identical relations, at first you don't feel tension. Hope persists that your partner will understand your point of view and join in. However, this does not occur. The longer both work on the same problem, the more they diverge. To preserve unity, both have to pretend that they are of same mindset. This won't save them for long and they will have to come up with something new or go back to the past pending issues.

Advice on getting along

Quasi-identical relationships have pronounced differences of opinion. The longer you talk, the more difficult it becomes to understand the point of view of each other. Understanding based on logical level is a stumbling block in this relationship. Relations tire, but fatigue is not felt right away. Some time after communication both partners experience an elevated mood.

It is recommended to invite quasi-identical to solve difficult, previously not encountered problems. Tension of these type of relations alleviate by engaging in enterprising and productive activities. Avoid haste in making important decisions, because these relations are lacking a sense of reality.

Democratic attitude, sense of humor, optimistic outlook on life strengthens these relations. Seeming lack of problems is deceptive. Quasi-identical pair is well suited for risky or adventurous operations. Static environment, peace and quiet, are not advised. Frequently travel, learn about the world. Show interest in novelties and try to create something new yourself.

Ekaterina Filatova "Art of understanding yourself and others"

Here, partners have cross-contact over weak functions. In their major blocks functions are identical, but have a different positions and different direction, therefore they are united by common interests. However, often it seems to each as if another is inferior to him in some way, even if he does some things better for unknown reason.

Since there strong functions do not have an outlet to the weak ones, conflicts in these relationships are rare. If in the future co-operation is not required, partners easily part. If there is a sense to cooperate - just as easily establish a contact.

Eugene Gorenko, Vladimir Tolstikov, "Nature of self"

Partners differ on the scale of rationality-irrationality. In general, understanding between them is decent, interests are similar. However, the relationship is not very strong. If there is no need to continue communicating, partners can easily part. These relations can be characterized as sufficiently favorable.

Sergei Ganin

Homoverted - Symmetrical - Arrhythmical

These are relations of major misunderstanding. Quasi-Identical partners can interact with each other in a more or less peaceful manner if both partners are Thinking types. If they are both Feeling types however, they are likely to have an argumentative relationship. Also, as in the other relations, personal attraction can be very crucial to the peacefulness in their relationship. An absence of personal attraction may cause unnecessary internal tension resulting in conflict between partners. However these arguments do not often last long. After both partners have released their internal tension, the Perceiving partner is usually the first to show the initiative in reconciliation.

A positive aspect of these relations is that Quasi-Identical partners do not underline your weak points and therefore are not viewed as dangerous by each other. Neither do they see each other as equal. Each partner sees the other as less capable than themselves, hence less talented. However, Quasi-Identicals mistakenly believe that their partner is achieving more than they are. This is perceived by both partners as injustice and may hinder the ambitions of both.

In these relations partners always have difficulty understanding each other in full. Quasi-Identical partners always need to convert each other's information in such a way that it corresponds with their own understanding. This conversion requires much energy and does not bring the desired satisfaction. Books written by your Quasi-Identical are impossible to read. The creations of your Quasi-Identical look monstrous. Conversations with your Quasi-Identical, although not heavy, do not bring any satisfaction either. One partner may think that the other partner complicates simple things and simplifies the important points, trying to deliberately confuse and mislead them. Both partners are convinced that whatever their partner was trying to say, could be explained in a different and more understandable way.

Quasi-Identicals normally have no difficulties in finding topics for conversation or discussion. When it comes to solving problems together, Quasi-Identical partners begin to understand that they are both thinking in very different ways. Soon Quasi-Identicals may start regretting the time that they have spent together, believing that it was just wasted time. Quasi-identical relations are very fragile and normally break without regret as there is usually nothing to resist their disunion.

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