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    ISFJs have Si and Fe in their ego, which means that they are extremely attuned to the internal atmosphere of their bodies, and the external atmosphere around them in daily lives. This in effect means that an ISFJ knows when to use Fe to raise the mood of a group or an individual on account of their ability to sense physical states of people and groups gifted by Si. This pairing makes them especially skilled with interpersonal relationships.
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    The ENTP is typically a "big picture" kind of person, and tends to speak in generalizations about both people and things, omitting any details he deems mundane or uninteresting. He is acutely aware of what interests and what bores him. This leads him to always search for novelty and surprising things. At any given moment, the ENTP usually has a number of projects and/or skills that he is working on developing, and stays with these interests as long as he feels they have potential for growth. The ENTP gets bored easily with rote tasks that do involve lots of repetition and little innovation, although he tolerates them if they are necessary to succeed in society.
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    ENFJs are naturally animate and passionate and are skilled at generating liveliness and excitement. They believe that people need to be emotionally involved in life, not distant or indifferent to the important things that are happening. ENFJs often hold strong views about governance and social custom, though their beliefs stem from the interests of their close emotional relationships.
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    ISTPs have a strong command of how various systems, structures, and hierarchies around them work, and always have a clear idea of how to implement them and improve them. ISTPs quickly and easily determine what is correct and incorrect according to the systems they are familiar with.
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    INFJs perceive, process, and produce information concerning trends and patterns over time most intensively. They constantly and inadvertently make judgments, assessments, and assumptions about relationships based on what they see as recurring trends from past behavior. They tend to understand the underlying dynamics of situations, people, etc., but may not be able to readily verbalize these insights since they are so internal and conceptual.
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    ESTPs are strong-willed, independently-minded individuals who are able to recognize levels of willpower and motivation in others. They are almost always collected and ready for action. They are adept at organizing others effectively towards any given objective, and have no problem "getting the job done," even if it requires stepping on a few toes.
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    ENTJs have Te, Ni in their ego. That means that they are focused on the accuracy and usefulness of information and actions in a long-term perspective. They rarely think about the expedience of an action in the present without having longer-term consequences in their minds, and their view of reality is shaped by an understanding of the outside world making sense in terms of concrete results.
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    With Fi, Se in their ego block, ISFPs' primary focus in life is on stable inner criteria for personal relationships, therefore ethical principles through which they evaluate their own and others' behavior and ideas, backed by input from what they perceive as the real world and how people really are rather than idealism, imagination or not-demonstrated potential in people.
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    Introverted intuition in INTJs is often characterized by well-developed imaginative abilities and mental wanderings. They can spend a great deal of time simply thinking and may appear to live 'in their heads'. This mental focus is demonstrated through reflection on scenarios, pondering bodies of information, etc. They can be prone to excessive daydreaming, creation of intricate inner worlds or universes, or considering the past or future.
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    ESFPs have a high awareness of their social surroundings and of the social influence or "weight" of different people. They are naturals at concentrating social attention on themselves or on anyone else they bring into the limelight. They rarely hesitate to take action in social situations.