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    With Te blocked with Si, ESTJs are primarily interested in productive activity that meets real needs. Their main activities are focused on addressing needs that are relevant today, not things that may or may not produce benefit some time down the road.
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    The ENFP is particularly sensitive to and observant of manifestations of spontaneity, social awkwardness, and psychological compatibility or incompatibility. This comes from a combination of Ne (perception of who people really are, their personality, motivation, and how much they are revealing their personality and 'true selves') and Fi (sensitivity to people's subjective opinions and feelings about things).
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    INFPs are very attuned to the psychological atmosphere of interaction and to their own feelings towards people and things. They treasure deep feelings of attachment and strive to deepen emotional bonds between people and harmonize relationships. When those people that the INFP is close to suffer emotionally, the INFP will do everything in her power to raise the emotional condition in the individual, often at the INFP's expense.
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    ISTJs are naturally good at knowing what kinds of activities and stimuli will produce which sensations and physical states in themselves and the people around them. They are highly sensitive to sensations of internal discomfort and dissonance, or when someone or something is aesthetically out of place. They usually take quick action to remove the discomfort, dissonance, or misplacement so that things "feel right." They are attracted to material (concrete) objects which produce the "right" sensations and physical states.