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Cooperation Relation


Business relations (also known as look-alike, cooperation relations) are similar to identity and comparative relations in that partners have half their functions in common — in this case, all the even-numbered ones. This provides a certain commonality of methods and approaches and somewhat similar communication styles. Business partners rarely have serious problems understanding each other and don't need much time to get to know each other and find common ground (or define their differences). The psychological distance is naturally large enough that partners do not generally seek to know each other deeply. Rather, they are content to pal around with the other on a relatively superficial basis. A change in location or life circumstances is usually enough to interrupt the friendship.

Business partners do not tend to view each other as serious threats or competitors. Their preferred spheres of influence, their basic attitudes and purposes — defined primarily through the leading function — are very different, diminishing potential competition. Furthermore, neither partner can easily stimulate the other's vulnerable function, meaning that partners can loosen up around each other. However, the fact that the first function of each corresponds to the third of the other can make time spent together feel like a challenge and an effort. Each becomes a bit more like the other and a bit less like his usual self.

Cooperation pairs

Descriptions by various authors

Valentina Meged, Anatoly Ovcharov

These relations are effective when it becomes necessary to organize a new project, to overcome difficulties, to cope with the extreme situation or win in a competition. However, things may change if discussions and theoretical talk start taking precedence over real actions. In these cases mutual aid is difficult due to partner's having different approaches to the same problem. Despite the fact that partners can properly evaluate each other's work and are able to understand each other, they try to impose their own understanding of what is happening on one another. Such disputes further lead to search for deficiencies in one's partner and cooling of these relations. At the same time, difference in their respective worldviews supports mutual involvement and interest in one another. These partners can easily reach a compromise, as well as exchange advice and requests. Common goals and proactive attitude significantly improve this relationship.

I.D. Vaisband, publications on Socionics

Relations of this kind usually progress smoothly and calmly. Partners understand each other in the areas of their creative functions, which adds sincerity, but they don't know how to help each other and improve each other's mood and morale. Business relations develop into rivalries of respective styles of behavior and promote constant "probing" of your competitor who doesn't yield to you in any respect. Business partners with eagerness seek out weaknesses in each other's positions. These relations markedly improve in a mobilized state - partners quickly unite against a common enemy or a common problem - and worsen in calmer times when resentments over minor things begin to surface. Business relations are primarily based on logic. They make people more calculating, weighting and evaluating everything from a pragmatic point of view. One logical plan is replaced by another while each partner insists on his own version. Feelings in business relations are entirely subordinated to logic of achieving success. Business relations reinforce power wielding abilities of both partners, making them more competitive, and encourage ability to realistically assess the balance of power. Business partner should not take on long-term projects. These relations encourage achievement of short-term objectives that yield tangible benefits. Business relationships are built on a balance of force. Unlike the superego relations, business partners don't try to maintain this balance but to disturb it to their favor. Over time partners begin to feel tired of continuous struggle for authority, leadership and relevance. In disputes they may not seek to find the truth, but instead probe for the weaknesses in each other's position. Business partners seemingly use similar methods in dealings, but they are oriented towards completely different ends. Competitive element of these relations increases, which throws back both of them. After re-evaluating their actions, partners become close again, but a new leap forward is followed by another setback. Each believes that the goal set by the other is wrong. In the later stages of business relationship all desire to be similar to each other is gone.

O.B. Slinko, "The key to heart - Socionics"

Business partners have the same functions of implementation, so their methods are alike. Communication in a business pair is always lively and long-winded. It has undoubted benefit: partners help each other develop their role-function, orient each other at solving problems, such that their contact resembles business discussion and cooperation. In dealing with your business partner, avoid exerting pressure on each other with your leading functions or communication will turn into an unpleasant verbal match.

R.K. Sedih, "Informational psychoanalysis"

These relations can be seen approximately as Identity plus Superego relations. The more developed both people are, the more their interests coincide - the more comfortable and beneficial these relations will be. In cases when both partners feel insecure in interaction they can hurt each other's weak role functions. This rarely leads to any serious consequences, however. Due to partial overlap of worldviews, partners can easily come to a compromise if they so wish. Light friction in business relations usually does not let these partner get too close. They maintain a certain distance, and at the same time can be quite sympathetic and helpful to each other. These relations worsen if partners give in to their desire to fit the other to own measure. Experience shows that this should be avoided. Trying to outperform each other, business partners obtain an opportunity to develop themselves. These relations can be very beneficial in terms of cooperation as each can provide his partner with interesting information, helping both of them to raise their prestige and capability.

A.V. Bukalov, G. Boiko, "Why Saddam Hussein made a mistake, or what is Socionics"

Partners understand each other very well and are usually happy to interact. But in general, this is a pair of people with very different goals. It is difficult to hurt your business partner, however, using first function, you may suddenly put pressure on his role function, which brings up unpleasant feelings. Close relations of this type are undesirable. Short psychological distance leads to feeling of irritation brought about by goals and intentions of the partner. In addition, overlap of creative functions doesn't offer full complementarity, for example, in ENTP-ESTP pair both are missing on ethical component, thus their relations can be quite hard.

V.V. Gulenko "Criteria of reciprocity"

Cautious monotony

Communication is not particularly attractive, but initially there is interest and respect for your business partner, albeit with a touch of formality. After a while, you discover that your partner values you quite lowly not having any reason for it. Responding in kind, you strive to put him into place, to prove the opposite. Prolonged contact is tiring, because you have neither the desire nor the energy to somehow diversify the "gray days". Over time, reciprocity and sense of commonality is upset even further.

Advice on getting along

Since these relations lead to competition and power struggles, to avoid this, one partner must recognize the other as the stronger or a more experienced person, as the leader. Discuss the logic of your future actions, but perform what has been conceived separately as agreed. Otherwise, major friction may arise as well as the desire to impose your methods of action.

Discuss the results of your work with your partner, analyze how your day has went, otherwise mistrust and suspicion may arise. Allegation of being unethical are forwarded. There may be a desire to annoy one another. Since these relations are of logical-managerial nature, and conflicts of interest are inevitable, do not attempt to sort things out, especially alone. In the event of a conflict try to separate and understand what had happened. Switch to a different type of activity. In this case, the leading partner should demonstrate good attitude towards the one who has taken the back seat, or at least show that nothing has happened.

Eugene Gorenko, Vladimir Tolstikov, "Nature of self"

In presence of common interests, relations between partners can be quite stable and favorable. If the goals are too different, there will be confusion and alienation. Interaction at very close distances should be avoided.

Sergei Ganin

Homoverted - Symmetrical - Rhythmical

These are relations between equal partners which can be called acquaintances rather than friends. There are no visual obstacles in the development of these relations, partners can talk easily almost about anything. Look-a-like partners do not feel any danger from the other partner. The strong sides of the partners are different in the such a way that almost any conversations between them always fall into the area of the confidence of only one of the partners. Look-a-like partners also have similar problems which makes them feel rather sympathetic towards each other instead of being critical of each other's vulnerabilities.

Understanding between partners is usually good. Collaboration between them may be very fruitful especially if partners feel a mutual attraction. When partners lose their feeling of sympathy for each other through anger or any other reason, they can apply pressure to their partner's vulnerabilities. This can sometimes be really unexpected and unpleasant for both partners.

Arguments in Look-a-like relations are not common practice. The partners usually try to help each other, or at least feel when their partner requires some form of assistance. However, in many cases the help is not effective enough because partners have similar problems. Look-a-like relations have an average degree of comfort. Partners do not have anything against each other but also nothing for which to struggle. These relations can normally bring a feeling of satisfaction from interaction with an equal and not boring partner.

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